Exploring the Montessori’s world
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I choose a Montessori school for my son almost as an act of faith. At that time my knowledge of the method was null, besides having heard of small chairs and colored beads. But seeing my son happy day after day encouraged me to study and deepen the Montessori’s ideas. What I had discovered astonished me as a father and as a scientist. As a father, I found how children are really respected and prepared for the future. As a scientist, I found solid scientific foundations for everything Maria Montessori proposed.
What you can find here
- The presentation that covers “The creative child in science” that I held at the Montessori Days of Neuchâtel.
- My book “Montessori and New Technologies”. It is in Italian, but there are plans to translate it in English. The German translation, instead, is already underway.
- The slides of my talk at the International Montessori Congress in Prague “Scientist and father: my journey from ignorance to Montessori enthusiasm”.
- A scientist’s look to the “God who has no hands” cosmic tale. Published in German in: Ela Eckert & Malve Fehrer, Kosmische Erzählungen in der Montessori-Pädagogik, LIT Verlag (2015)
- Slides of the “Montessori: why not?” talk given first time for AMI Poland conference in Poznan (Poland).
- From AMI Tagung 2014 in Pelham (Deutschland): “Montessori through the eyes of a scientist”.
- My list of Montessori Frequently Asked Questions.
- Events where I spoke or will speak about Montessori.
- The well-known paper by Angeline Lillard and Nicole Else-Quest: Evaluating Montessori Education, Science, Vol. 313, September 29th 2006, p. 1893–1894.
Let’s share
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